5.1 Technical Evaluation and Consultation on the General Design of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 (1992-1993)
SYSTRA made a comprehensive technical evaluation on the general design of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 made by Chinese design institute (Beijing Urban Construction Design and Research Institute, IN2 and IN4). The evaluation includes station design, construction methods, safety measures, and project construction cost for civil works and also rolling stock, system/equipment and construction planning, etc. Three volumes of the consultation report were presented.
5.2 Technical Consultation on the Preliminary Design of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 (1993-1994)
The content of SYSTRA’s technical consultation includes reviewing the preliminary design report, making technical suggestions, and optimizing the technical scheme to ensure the quality of the project, guarantee the safety and reduce the investment.
5.3 Technical Consultation on the Civil Work and Shield Tunneling Construction of Nanjing Metro (1995-1996)
According to the agreement signed between French SPIES and Nanjing Metro, SYSTRA participated in the preliminary consulting work on the construction of Nanjing metro, the main consulting contents are: civil works, shield tunneling construction and project construction cost comparison.
5.4 Technical Consultation on the Design of Shanghai Xingzhuang Light Rail (1999-2000)
SYSTRA made the review on the design completed by the Chinese design institute and provided technical consultation to optimize the design, including station design, station and depot planning, structural form, equipment configuration, operation organization, etc., which brought a saving of tens of millions of dollars for the client.
5.5 Technical consulting service on Shanghai Urban Railway Transport Line 6 (2002-2003)
As the preliminary research of the project implementation, the goal was to estimate reasonably the passenger flow, the construction cost, operation and maintenance cost, in order to attract domestic and foreign investment.
5.6 Technical Consultation on General Principles of Operation of Shanghai Urban Railway Transport Line R3 (2003)
SYSTRA was entrusted by the client to participate in the pre-feasibility study and feasibility study of the urban railway transport line R3 in Shanghai, for which SYSTRA applied the advanced concepts and experience to provide professional technical consultation on the operation of the line R3.
5.7 Technical consultation on the operation mode of Guangzhou Railway Transport Network (2003-2004)
In order to ensure the coordination of network construction, the rationality of network operation, and the saving of construction and operating costs, SYSTRA conducted scientific research on the operation mode of Guangzhou railway transport network and determined the overall principles of the operation organization.
5.8 Technical consultation on «Provisional Specification on Beijing – Shanghai High Speed Railway Design» (2003)
With rich practical experience and perfect technical concept, SYSTRA provided detailed consultation on the terms of the first and second volumes of «Provisional Specification», by analyzing the improper clauses and making supplementary suggestions and explanations for the missing clauses. The consulting work focuses on the advancement and reliability of high-speed technology, the safety of train operation, the comfort of passengers and the coordination between the systems.
5.9 Technical consulting service on Beijing – Shanghai High Speed Railway Design (Section Shanghai-Nanjing)(2003-2004)
In view of the design technical scheme for this section of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, SYSTRA studied whether the scheme can satisfy the feasibility of collinear high-speed and high-density operation of the line and cross-line trains. From the perspective of advancement, safety, comfort, reliability, technical and economic rationality and system integration, SYSTRA provided the systematic technical consultation on the design technical scheme of the project, especially for the key project scheme.
5.10 Technical consultation on the Automatic Driverless Metro System Feasibility of Shanghai Line 10 (2004-2005)
At the request of the client, SYSTRA conducted a thematic study on the possibility of adopting the fully automatic driverless system for urban railway transport line 10 in Shanghai. The consulting contents included: the development of the fully automatic driverless metro system, the particularity of this driverless system, the feasibility of the project, the requirements for civil works and other systems, the operation mode, and the construction planning, etc.
5.11 Technical consultation on Automatic Driverless Metro System of Shanghai Line 10 (2005-2008)
With extensive experience in the design, construction and consultation of fully automatic driverless metro systems, SYSTRA was entrusted by the client to provide consultation services during the project preparation stage and the system/equipment procurement stage.
5.12 Following-up Technical consultation on Automatic Driverless Metro System of Shanghai Line 10 (2007-2011)
In November 2007, the client entrusted SYSTRA to start the following-up services for Shanghai Urban Railway Transport Line 10, mainly including technical decision-making assistance and technical consulting, safety assessment, operation organization structure design and operation preparation assistance, as well as a number of thematic research and design services.
5.13 Design consultation and construction supervision on Beijing –Tianjin Intercity Railway Transport with V=350km/h (2005-2008)
SYSTRA’s consultation work of this project included the review of the entire engineering design document (drawings), the review of the overall coordination of design data and inter-disciplinary integration. SYSTRA, as the technical chief responsible for the whole project and site construction supervisor, made the review on the construction method prepared by the construction unit, assisted the client to manage the project, control the quality, duration and investment of the project, and also participated in system test, commissioning and trial running.
5.14 Technical Consulting on Suzhou Urban Railway Transport Line 1 (2003-2010)
Following the Suzhou urban railway transport network planning project, SYSTRA undertook the design consulting services for Suzhou urban railway transport line 1 since September 2003 by making the review on the feasibility study, general design and preliminary design completed by Chinese design institute (providing more than 7,000 suggestions). Starting in September 2007, SYSTRA continued to serve as a technical consultant to Suzhou Metro Company, by preparing thematic research reports and providing consulting services for civil work, rolling stock and other system/equipment.
5.15 Technical consultation on South Section of Shanghai Urban Railway Transport Line 11 (2009-2013)
The focus of technical consultation of this project is the operation mode and the combination operation mode of fast and slow trains to meet the special needs of type A train with the maximum operating speed of 120km/h. The consulting work of SYSTRA included: viaduct interstation and viaduct station structure, operation plan, train traffic organization, track, sound barrier, catenary and interface between civil works and system/equipment.
5.16 Technical Consulting Services on the Preliminary Design of Shanghai Urban Railway Transport Line 8 Phase III (2013-2015)
According to the client's requirements on the progress of preliminary design and the tendering work, SYSTRA was responsible for compiling the operation and maintenance objectives and requirements, RAMS objectives/requirements/work management plan, functional specifications and technical specifications of other sub-systems (such as signaling, power supply, OCC, platform screen door, ISCS, rolling stock/depot, core system integration, etc.), and provided consulting services for the preliminary design of each sub-system.
5.17 Technical Consulting Service for the preliminary design stage of Chengdu IT Avenue Tramway (2016)
The specific work mainly focuses on the research of technical standards for the preliminary design of Chengdu IT Avenue Tramway (including French Standard and Norm system,as well as the technical standard in terms of train traffic operation, track, subgrade,bridge, power supply, telecommunication and signaling, depot, transport safety, provide the explanation of international pratical case ); consultation and research on the intellegent transport scheme of preliminary design stage, consultation on the operation plan of preliminary design stage.